Tuesday, December 27, 2011

azam 2012 !!

annyeong !

ckp psl azam. azam sya tahun 2012 ; sya mau dpt 8'A dlm PMR . sapa x mau kan ??  thn depan sya mesti belajar snggh2 !! so thn depan mungkin sya x selalu update lar nie blog . memandang kan sya dan kwn2 sya kelas krk . sya mesti dpt keputusan cemerlang . nnt malu lorhh ~ satu lagi azam saya adalah kurng kan on9 . :3 jan selalu buka tumblr . and masa belajar no hp . haha ~ straight A !! fighting !! LMAO ~ semangat nie ~ hah !  okay ! sampai di cni jak . sekian ~ lol ! :D

bye-yeom !! take care of you guys ! love you ! muahh !!! :D

Thursday, December 15, 2011


follow me on tumblr if u want . it's about kyung ~ but i'll post / reblog all kpop group that i love . just follow ! :) here's my link --->  ilovekyucumber . kamsahamnida ! ^^

Do You Wanna B ? Block B !

Block B  is a South Korean boy group created by Cho PD . their made their debut on April 15, 2011 On Mubank ! this group have 7 member . Block B is a hep hap group . 
the leader is zico (Woo Jiho)  . here a pic of him -;
maain rapper
September 14, 1992(age 19)

the second is Lee Taeil ~ Main Vocalist
September 24, 1990(age 21)

and then ! the sexy one ~  B-Bomb (Lee Minhyuk)
Main Dancer
December 14, 1990(age 21)

the derp one ~ Ahn Jaehyo ! vocalist .
December 23, 1990(age 20)

the cute kitty kwon ~  U-Kwon (Kim Yukwon)
April 9, 1992(age 19)

and my bias is the cucumber ~ keke ! Park Kyung . 
July 8, 1992(age 19)

the last one is the maknae ! P.O (Pyo Jihoon) . 
rapper n maknae .
February 2, 1993(age 18)

the end ~ ;) i'll love block b foerever ~ <3

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

moshi ~ moshi ~
hari nie ckp psl ljoe ~ napa budak nie handsome sangat . hoho ~ mau tau sapa ljoe tu ??! klu peminat kpop kompom tau . tpi kepada sesiapa yg x tau , nahh !! haha ~ nie lar budak yg benama ljoe .

Sunday, December 11, 2011

lama sangat x update blog . sekarang nie x tau mau update apa . haha . blm ada inspirasi .
Nnt sya update bnyk2 . haha ~

hah !!! mlm tadi sya mimpi sya pegi konsert infinite . omg ~ bahagia nya hidup . haha ~ masa tu my granny [wateng] pun ada kat sana [dlm mimpi sya] haha . best nya . dpt jumpa infinite . tpi itu cuma mimpi . ;( hope mimpi tu jadi kenyataan . amin ~

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

i love yellow !!!!!!!!!!! XD

why i post this ???
because i love this pic ! i love yellow !
yellow is my colour !!! 
woo young and young min also like yellow !
so luckythat yellow !

Saturday, May 7, 2011


"Whether I’m happy, sad, or having a hard time, if I’m with music, it always seems to ease my mind." - B1A4's Sandeu...^^
"After hearing that my mother shed tears when she first saw our music video, my heart was deeply touched as well." - B1A4's Baro
"I’ve tried hard to change that part of my personality. I’ve also learned to always be humble ^^" - B1A4's Gongchan
"I naturally began to start composing. At first, I started with a small notebook and one microphone." - B1A4's Jinyoung
" If I think about it now, I think while we were preparing this album, I became more mature." B1A4's CNU

love B1A4..!!<3<3

Sunday, May 1, 2011


halo friends.. hah long tyme no see.. ya... 
huh.. boring.. lets chat.. hah...^^

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

miss u..!!

blog..!!! lama ndak jumpa miss u... ma blog... 
nasib ikan yg aku pelihara ndak pandai mati...
klu tiak mati sua kali... huh... xda cite baru.....
i'll always miss you blog... so i'll post some pic 
haha..... huh.. bsk pigi jamuan.. bwa duit lebih.
begambar... and then post kat FB and blog....
so wait for me tomorow ya my blog......^_^...
chiniri cheazel..<3 beast...^^

Friday, April 22, 2011

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

kalah... huhu..T.T

huhu.. T.T choral speaking KALAH... hancur hati ku.. huhu..ancur bha + banyak salah lgi + kuyak. huh.. bikin malu sedjak.... adui.. langsung xda jaya lgi 2.. arghh... ancur.. ancur.. ANCUR!!! huh.. convent jua yg menang.. huhu..T.T tapi tiak apa asal kan ckgu belanja KFC.. haha.. best 2l hari nie.. gelajah 1 semai.. gambar cni sana.!! haha.. plg best berehat di PONDOK REDUP.. haha.. jln kat perdana park lgi..haha...memang best lar.. klu kalah bukan kalah tuk selama nya..!! TRY NEXT YEAR LAR DEK..!!haha.. xpa kami sua try the best bha..!!! tpi tetap best.. mengelajah.. haha..