Tuesday, December 27, 2011

azam 2012 !!

annyeong !

ckp psl azam. azam sya tahun 2012 ; sya mau dpt 8'A dlm PMR . sapa x mau kan ??  thn depan sya mesti belajar snggh2 !! so thn depan mungkin sya x selalu update lar nie blog . memandang kan sya dan kwn2 sya kelas krk . sya mesti dpt keputusan cemerlang . nnt malu lorhh ~ satu lagi azam saya adalah kurng kan on9 . :3 jan selalu buka tumblr . and masa belajar no hp . haha ~ straight A !! fighting !! LMAO ~ semangat nie ~ hah !  okay ! sampai di cni jak . sekian ~ lol ! :D

bye-yeom !! take care of you guys ! love you ! muahh !!! :D

Thursday, December 15, 2011


follow me on tumblr if u want . it's about kyung ~ but i'll post / reblog all kpop group that i love . just follow ! :) here's my link --->  ilovekyucumber . kamsahamnida ! ^^

Do You Wanna B ? Block B !

Block B  is a South Korean boy group created by Cho PD . their made their debut on April 15, 2011 On Mubank ! this group have 7 member . Block B is a hep hap group . 
the leader is zico (Woo Jiho)  . here a pic of him -;
maain rapper
September 14, 1992(age 19)

the second is Lee Taeil ~ Main Vocalist
September 24, 1990(age 21)

and then ! the sexy one ~  B-Bomb (Lee Minhyuk)
Main Dancer
December 14, 1990(age 21)

the derp one ~ Ahn Jaehyo ! vocalist .
December 23, 1990(age 20)

the cute kitty kwon ~  U-Kwon (Kim Yukwon)
April 9, 1992(age 19)

and my bias is the cucumber ~ keke ! Park Kyung . 
July 8, 1992(age 19)

the last one is the maknae ! P.O (Pyo Jihoon) . 
rapper n maknae .
February 2, 1993(age 18)

the end ~ ;) i'll love block b foerever ~ <3

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

moshi ~ moshi ~
hari nie ckp psl ljoe ~ napa budak nie handsome sangat . hoho ~ mau tau sapa ljoe tu ??! klu peminat kpop kompom tau . tpi kepada sesiapa yg x tau , nahh !! haha ~ nie lar budak yg benama ljoe .

Sunday, December 11, 2011

lama sangat x update blog . sekarang nie x tau mau update apa . haha . blm ada inspirasi .
Nnt sya update bnyk2 . haha ~

hah !!! mlm tadi sya mimpi sya pegi konsert infinite . omg ~ bahagia nya hidup . haha ~ masa tu my granny [wateng] pun ada kat sana [dlm mimpi sya] haha . best nya . dpt jumpa infinite . tpi itu cuma mimpi . ;( hope mimpi tu jadi kenyataan . amin ~